Milk Bar feeders provide simple and effective feeding ensuring high and stable average daily gains, decrease in scours, minimization of cross suckling. But above all, they ensures correct digestion of milk which promotes calf's health.
How does the technology work

The technology is aimed at imitating natural feeding that corresponds physiology of an animal. Thick rubber Milk Bar teat promotes suckling during the feeding, thus slowing down the speed of milk flow. Due to intensive suckling during the feeding a calf produces a lot of saliva which curds milk correctly and helps to digest lactose. Clean rumen and no lactose in intestines reduce scours incidence, and as a result, medical costs decrease.

Milk Bar strengths :

- Absence of cross-sucking at calves (no damage to the developing udder).

- Significant growth of daily gains due to the correct development of rumen and higher starter intake. Milk Bar teats prevent milk from entering rumen and lungs. Milk in the rumen can be catastrophic to calf health. The rumen has enzymes to digest grains and forage. These enzymes have no ability to digest milk which ferments producing lactic acid as a by-product.

- Better performance of adult cows due to a better-developped rumen.

- The teats have no valves and threads. No need to pull out the teats while washing.

- Durability and longevity of the feeders (can be in use for 20 years and more)
(genuine rubber).

How does it work

Correct milk fermentation
Incorrect milk fermentation
Training and recommended feeding protocol

Day 1-3: Training and colostrum feeding

1)Feeding of vital colostrum.

2)A calf is trained to suckle from a softer yellow Colostrum teat attached to a feeder.

Day 4-30

1) Change yellow Colostrum teat into black teat. If a calf has been fed from a training bottle, change it into an individual drinker Milk Bar 1 4L.

2) A drinker should be washed (rinsed) after each feeding. It is necessary to wash the drinker with hot water and detergent two times a week.

Day 30-65 or till weaning

1) Group calves born during one and the same week. Pull out the teats from their individual drinkers and place the teats into one group drinker. As a calf suckles the teat it becomes softer, the softness of the teat should correlate with the age of a calf.

2) One calf = one teat

3) A drinker should be washed (rinsed) after each feeding. It is necessary to wash the drinker with hot water and detergent two times a week.
How to use
Day 1-3
Day 4-30
Day 30-65
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